Wall Tool

Would you please consider adding a Wall Tool allowing one to draw 3d walls on-the-fly with the ability to also flip the wall orientation left, right or centre as you draw a sequence of chained walls? Could start out simple with only two faces, multi face functions could be added later. When designing the important…

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Flex Presets bar

Flextools Preset bar The idea is that having a flex compo selected, you can change its parameters quickly by : 1. selecting another flex compo in the scene by eyedropping it or 2. choosing a preset in a dropdown list and 3. apply the new preset on the flex compo. Advantage: – you can quickly…

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Custom Thumbnails for Component finder

Hey, here is an idea. Add an option to replace the thumbnail on the component finder. At the moment component finder takes the Sketchup default thumbnail and places it in the component finder. That works in most of the cases, but in my case, I have a library of VRScene and Proxy items that I…

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This would help create brick and stone arches, which is always a pain to model. You drag the width and the height, choose the size of the brick and orientation, choose where there is a keystone or not, and its that easy!

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Flex Casing

A flex casing that can be used with Flex windows, slat or doors. It would have parameters for the head, sill, apron, stool, cap, etc. Would work on exterior and interiors.

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