Lost and Found – New Extension!

New Free Extension To Get Your Lost Windows Back
You're clicking to open a dialog window in Sketchup and nothing happens? Is your dialog window hidden off screen? 2nd monitor disconnected and out of reach?
Install the Lost and Found extension and everyday will be your lucky day!

One click on the button, and all open dialog windows appear back on the main display.
This tool has been a lifesaver! I accidentally closed SketchUp with Component Finder still open on a second screen. Later, when I tried to reopen it during a client meeting, nothing happened. Thankfully, I had the Lost and Found extension. One click, and boom—Component Finder was back!
Yoni Frandzel - FlexTools Founder
📌 Lost and Found works on all open HTML dialog windows, i.e. the kind that are generated by extensions. Will not work with Sketchup windows like ‘Preferences’, ‘Model Info’, ‘Extension Warehouse’ etc.
Get it for free from the Extension Warehouse