New Flex Glass Door Collection (Download)

Glass Door Collection

Check out this new glass door collection for SketchUp!

Each of these doors was made from the same Flex Glass Door component.  As with all FlexTools components, they are totally dynamic.  You can scale them with the Scale tool and change their parameters in the Options window.

Create Your Own Custom Collections

We created each of these doors in just a couple of minutes. YOU CAN TOO!  Use the default components from the FlexTools toolbar as a basis, or download the doors from this collection and customize them further.

See how to change glass divisions and then save the door in this 1-min video:

  1. Open the component's Options window.
  2. Double click on a door panel and select the inner component.
    Repeat this a few times until you reach the 'Sash' options.
  3. Enter the number of divisions.
  4. Save it to a folder on your hard drive with Component Finder.

Component Finder on the FlexTools toolbar


You can download this collection to your hard drive in one file or get the doors from the 3D Warehouse. *

* For the doors to work dynamically you'll need a FlexTools license

FlexTools on 3D Warehouse

FlexTools collections are now easy to reach directly from the 3D Warehouse main page.  Future collections will all appear there too.

FlexTools now featured on the 3D Warehouse main page

Have suggestions for future FlexTools collections?

Have you made your own that you would like to share?


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