Getting Started
This is the place to learn all about FlexTools and to get a detailed overview of each of the FlexTools tools and components.
Please see the various topics covered over on the menu on the right. Get acquainted with how the Toolbar is laid out and see the recommended Workflow to get a quick idea on how to best use FlexTools in the shortest time.
Also checkout the quick intro video below.
Special thanks to Minh Tran from Architecture Inspirations.
Getting help from within Sketchup
Want to learn more? Not sure how to use a specific component or tool? You can reach these learning pages directly from within Sketchup:
1. Open the FlexTools Manager window.

2. Click on the Info button next to a component or tool that you would like to learn more about. You will be directed to the relevant learning page.

Something missing? Have questions? Please visit the FlexTools Forums.