Architects and 3D artists use FlexTools to create SketchUp doors, windows, stairs and other architectural elements, with exceptional levels of speed and control.
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![Flex Components in Action [gif] Select the component, adjust it as needed and the openings will be created automatically.](https://flextools.cc/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/flex_components_02_02-800e.gif)

Scale components to fit precisely. All parameters and proportions are maintained.

Fully Parametric
Components are fully parametric, so making changes is fast and easy. FlexTools fits perfectly into interactive design processes.

Total Customization
Every element of the components can be adjusted. Explore new design alternatives in seconds.
Save HOURS of modeling time on every project

Instantly cut through multiple layered walls with dynamic openings that readjust automatically. Any Sketchup component can be converted into a wall-cutter!

Manage your locally saved components. Find and save the components you need easily.
* Also available for free (No components included)

Instant Plans & Elevations
Ready for Layout in a few clicks.

Section Fills
Full compatibility with Sketchup section fills.

The Dynamic Components


FlexDoor Glass

Minimal Doors

Pocket Door



Double Hung

Casement Single

Casement Double

Hopper / Awning



FlexWindow Arch






More in development...

Designed for optimal workflow with WallCutter

Powered by SketchUp's Dynamic Components Technology
The Tools

Component Options
Adjust dynamic component parameters.
(Native SketchUp tool)

Open / Close
Open or close multiple FlexDoors at once.

Interact with dynamic components.
(Native SketchUp tool)

Make Unique
Makes a component unique.
(Native SketchUp tool)

Cut through multiple layered walls with dynamic openings that readjust automatically.

Make Totally Unique
Makes a component and all its subcomponents unique.

Refresh the selected components.

Remove dynamic behaviors while maintaining component instances and hierarchy.

Flip FlexDoor inside-out.

Delete deeply nested hidden geometry.

Manage your private 3D objects and models, find and save them easily.
* Also available as a free separate extension

The UI of each Component and Tool can be displayed in a localized language.
Current Available Languages:
English, Français, Español, Português, 中文, 简体中文, 日本語, Türk, Bahasa Indonesia, Русский, Italiano
* Translations are not always up to date with the latest releases - something missing? contact us
What Our Customers Say
" FlexDoor offers a truly parametric door for SketchUp that can be configured to the N-th degree! "
" This one got me feeling all warm inside like Skatter did more than two years ago... And it is an Israeli creation! "
Ronen Bekerman - Architectual vizualization artist and blogger, Israel
" FlexTools make SketchUp parametric without having it feel rigid... and they make it a whole lot of fun! "
Eric Whitmore AIA
" I was searching for a decent Sketchup plugin for doors and windows for a while, and yours gave me what i need exactly. Simple and flexible! "
Erkut Taner - Architect, Turkey
" I spent only 6 HOURS to build it, where I used FlexWindow and FlexSlat very often! For comparison, I usually spend more than two days to create such large models in Sketchup. "
Lican Wan - Architect, China
" Both FlexWindow and FlexSlat saved my butt today. Thanks! "
Matthew Valero - Valero Studio, USA
" I want it Yoni 🙂 pls hurry ... after been spoiled with your flex-windows, -doors and -slats this must be the ultimate tool as a follow up ... make us happy 🙂 "
Frank Ulijn - DrieDeeDesign, Netherlands
" FlexTools really are a beautiful suite of tools and soooo FLEXIBLE!!!! "
Andrew Carter - Utile Design, Australia
Woke up, saw the announcement and opened Sketchup, 2 minutes later placing windows & doors in “real” walls. Thanks for that essential extension, really essential !
Walter Dunsmoor - Waldun Design

FlexPack Pro
- All dynamic flex components and tools
- Full support
- Automatic updates
- Works with Sketchup 2017-2025
Windows and MacOS
FlexPack Pro - Student
- Valid for 1 year
- All dynamic flex components and tools
- Full support
- Automatic updates
- Works with Sketchup 2017-2025
Windows and MacOS
© Copyright 2025 FlexTools.cc