2 new very minimal (Flex) doors

MinimalDoors Cover Image

When you get a chance to visit a manufacturer of beautiful high quality hidden doors (that happens to be run by a very nice young man named Alex), you don't think twice, or at least we didn't. 🙂

We visited Minimal Doors, out here in Novosibirsk, Russia, and today we are happy to share their elegant, hidden (and now flex) doors with you.


In This Update

Two New Hidden Minimal Doors

Flex Minimal Door A and B Icons

Based on the real deal, one frameless door opens outwards and the other inwards.  Both doors can be extended with a click to serve as floor to ceiling doors.

New WallCutter Feature - Hide Cut Edges

Show / Hide Cut Edges GIF

You can now choose to hide the edges of wallcutter openings (cuts) that are created.  You can apply the hidden edges to any wall cutting doors or windows you choose.  To get the right effect, make sure to hide the edges in the components too.

New Indonesian, Turkish and Russian translations + updates

A huge thank you goes to our new precious translators:


And many more thanks to our good'ol translators:

Fixes and more

A few more enhancements and important bug fixes - Check out the release notes.

P.S. Yes, we are in Siberia now, and yes, it gets pretty cold here! 🙂 ❄️

For more insights and day-to-day action follow us on Instagram @flextools4su

Cold in Siberia [img]