FlexTools toolbar

Rocket Icon

Getting Started

Install & Activate

1. Download

Upon purchase, you will receive an email* with a download link and a unique license key for activation.  Download the RBZ file from the link in the email.


* Can't find the email?  Check in your spam folder and also in the promotions tab (Gmail).  Still can't find it?  Contact us!

2. Install

In Sketchup, go to:  Extensions > Extension Manager > Install Extension

Choose the downloaded RBZ file.   A new toolbar called FlexTools will appear:

FlexTools toolbar
FlexTools toolbar with FlexPack Pro


FlexTools toolbar with Componentfinder
FlexTools toolbar with Componentfinder

3. Activate

You can activate FlexPack Pro on up to 2 computers with the license key from the email.

Activating FlexTools

1. Click on the gear icon to open the FlexTools Manager

Manager button on the toolbar

2. Paste in the License Key

3. Click on 'Activate'.  Happy Flexing!